These are my main attraction tattoos:

My left chest. This is a cover up. The Ganji symbols are (Top) Feminine/Moon and (Bottom) is fierce strength

This is my demon

Slayer's Divine Intervention. What girl would be complete without something like this? Left side calf.

This was just pretty. Another cover up.

This was my idea, but my tattooist dreamed up the detail and drew it. This is another cover up.

My tribute to my newfound sport interest of powerlifting. Left Thigh



My double Ouroborros. A symbol of the regeneration of life, resurrection. Because I have been resurrected as many things during my life. Left inner forearm


  Left Shoulder

Bringing together the whole left arm.....the sleeve

Inner left bicep, representation of my first trophy

Coming around

    Outside and backside of left arm
Then there was too much white space on the right!! So I started a new sleeve ...
My version of the Irish Claddaugh and part of a band that links to the celtic lion knotwork around the other side.   Currently still outlined, more to be designed